Iron &
Manganese in Groundwater
- What are
iron and manganese?
- Iron (Fe) and
manganese (Mn) are metallic elements present in many types of
rock. Both are found naturally in ground water in most if not
all regions of the US. Aesthetic levels for iron in drinking
water is less than or equal to 0.3 mg/L or ppm while the level
for manganese in drinking water is less than or equal to 0.05
mg/L or ppm. Water with high levels of iron and manganese may
cause staining on plumbing fixtures and laundry. High can cause
off color, bad bitter tastes, and rust flakes in the water. Similarity,
manganese typically form black particles and also give the water
an off color and unpleasant taste.
- Calcium
& Mangnesium in Groundwater
- What is hard
- Water that is
hard contains calcium and magnesium compounds. Rain water is
naturally soft - it does not contain any minerals, but as it
seeps through the ground it can pick up minerals, such as calcium
and magnesium compounds, from the soil and rocks it passes through.
If rain water passes through soft rocks like chalk or limestone,
it picks up these minerals. If it passes through hard rocks,
such as granite or through peaty soils, it does not pick up these
minerals and so remains soft. Hard water causes pipes to scale
to collect in coffee makers, dishwashers and washing machines.
If the scale collects in hot water haeters it shortens their
life and makes appliances less efficient. It is also more difficult
to work up a lather from soap, washing up liquid and washing
- Hydrogen
Sulfide in Groundwater
- What is sulfur
- Sulfur in your
well water supply is easily recognized by its offensive odor.
Hydrogen sulfide gas causes "rotten-egg" or sulfur
water smell. High concentrations can also change the taste of
the water. As well as, corrode metals such as iron, steel, copper
and brass. Hydrogen sulfide amounts of 0.5 mg/l or more are usually
noticed, even in cold water. Wells drilled in shale or sandstone,
or near coal or oil fields often have hydrogen sulfide present.Hydrogen
sulfide may also be produced when sulfate in well water converts
to hydrogen sulfide. Certain non-disease-producing bacteria (sulfur
bacteria) use the oxygen in the sulfate to form hydrogen sulfide.
- Total
Dissolved Solids in Groundwater
What is TDS?
Total dissolved solids (TDS) is a measure of the total amount
of all the materials that are dissolved in water. These materials,
both natural and anthropogenic (made by humans), are mainly inorganic
solids, with a minor amount of organic material. Depending on
the type of water, TDS can vary greatly from a few milligrams
per liter to percent levels (tens of thousands of milligrams
per liter). Seawater contains 3.5% (35,000 mg/L) TDS. Elevated
TDS levels are often due to natural environmental features such
as: mineral springs, carbonate deposits, salt deposits and sea
water intrusion, but other sources may include: salts used for
road de-icing, sewage, drinking water treatment chemicals, stormwater
and agricultural runoff, and wastewater discharges. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Secondary Drinking Water
Standards recommends that the TDS concentrations in drinking
water not exceed 500 mg/L based on taste and aesthetics.
- National Secondary
Drinking Water Regulations (NSDWRs or secondary standards) are
non-enforceable guidelines regulating contaminants that may cause
cosmetic effects (such as skin or tooth discoloration) or aesthetic
effects (such as taste, odor, or color) in drinking water. EPA
recommends secondary standards to water systems but does not
require systems to comply. However, states may choose to adopt
them as enforceable standards.
- EPA Secondary
Drinking Water Limits For The Following:
- Color 15 (color
- Chloride 250
Corrosivity noncorrosive
Iron 0.3 mg/L
Manganese 0.05 mg/L
Odor 3 threshold odor number
pH 6.5-8.5
Sulfate 250 mg/L
Total Dissolved Solids 500 mg/L
- RainDance Water
Systems is a leading ground water filter company providing water
treatment solutions, information and technical support for all
filtration water treatment products and equipment. Many websites
claim to be water treatment "specialist" and offer
filters at "rock bottom wholesale prices" However,
we have discovered that very few water treatment companies have
the knowledge, ability or the equipment selection to effectively
treat your ground water problems. We consider iron, manganese
and sulfur filters for hydrogen sulfide removal to be our specialty.
Please continue on to see how easily we can solve your ground
water related iron problems.
Treatment Selection Guide
The Iron Eater our best system
for extremely high water hardness and water well iron staining
The Iron Eater Series: These systems filter over twice as much
iron and four times the water hardness as the Iron Max-FX. Designed
to filter higher levels of Ferrous (clear water iron), Ferric
(red/orange as drawn), Manganese (black staining), and Hard Water
(calcium and magnesium scale). For complete pricing and information
please click on the Model Type you are interest in:
- Iron
Eater-9: Designed for
a household of 1 to 5 persons
- Iron
Eater-10: Designed for
a household of 5 to 8 persons
- Iron
Eater-125: Designed for
higher well flow rates from 15gpm to 22gpm
- Twin
Iron Eater: Alternating
twin tanks designed for continuous filtration
The Iron Max Series: These Maintenance-Free systems are completely
chemical and salt free. In other words they do not require salt
pellets or chemicals for backwashing. Designed for whole house,
irrigation, and commercial applications to filter Ferrous (clear
water iron), Ferric (red/orange as drawn), Manganese (black staining),
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas (rotten egg odor), and Suspended Solids
(solid particles suspended in water) to provide quality drinking
water. Our Iron Max Series use NSF Approved Certified 61 filtration
media. For complete pricing and information please click on the
Model Type you are interested in:
- Iron
Max-9: Designed for a
household of 1 to 5 persons
- Iron
Max-10: Designed for
a household of 5 to 8 persons
- Iron Max-125: Designed for higher well flow rates
from 15gpm to 30gpm
- Iron
Max-ID: Designed for
industrial flow rates from 40gpm to 130gpm
- Custom Iron Max Series:
- Iron
Max-FX Series - Offers
the same iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide gas well water
treatment as our Standard Iron Max with added built-in no salt
chemical free hard water conditioning module.
- Deluxe Iron Max-UV Series: Offers the same well water filtration
advantages as our standard Iron Max Systems with added NSF Certified
state of the art self cleaning Hallett 15xs UV Water System.
- TV series are
designed for whole house /commercial /industrial applications
where floor space is at a premium. All major system elements
are mounted within a sturdy tubular stainless steel frame, welded
for long term rigidity and open for easy access to all components.
The TV system is a compact, heavy duty R.O. water purifier for
users requiring 400 to 12000 gallons per day water production.
TV systems are fully equipped with the instruments and controls
needed for reliable long term operation.
- Total
Home Reverse Osmosis Water Filter:
Whole house reverse osmosis from 400gpd to 12,000gpd
The Nitrate Eater Series: These systems serve a dual purpose filter
Nitrates and soften hard water. Salt or potassium pellets are
required for backwashing. Designed to filter high levels of Nitrates
(found in
water supplies that are in areas where there are heavy use of
fertilizers. Nitrates can cause Methemoglobinemia
a.k.a. blue baby syndrome. This is a serious condition in young infants and new born animals where the oxygen
carrying capacity of the blood is reduced.), and Hard Water (calcium and magnesium scale).
Our Nitrate Eater uses NSF Approved Certified 61 filtration media.
Note: Our Nitrate Eater is not available for sale in California.
For complete pricing and information please click on the Model
Type you are interest in:
- Nitrate
Eater-10: Designed for
a household of 1 to 8 persons
- Continuous
Twin Alternating Nitrate Eater
- Designed for higher water usage applications
The Sulfate Eater Series: These systems serve a dual purpose filter
Sulfate and soften hard water. Salt or potassium pellets are
required for backwashing. Designed to filter high levels of Sulfates
which is a combination of sulfur and oxygen (SO4) exists as a
dissolved salt in the water. As such it is colorless and odorless.
It is not to be confused with the gas in the water that causes
a rotten egg odor), and Hard
Water (calcium and magnesium scale). For complete pricing and
information please click on the Model Type you are interest in:
- Sulfate
Eater-10: Designed for
a household of 1 to 8 persons
- Continuous
Twin Alternating Sulfate Eater
- Designed for higher water usage applications
The Tannin Eater Series: These systems serve a dual purpose filter
Tannins and soften hard water. Salt or potassium pellets are
required for backwashing. Designed to filter high levels of Tannins
(found in
waters which have passed through large quantities of decaying
vegetation. Tannins can cause yellow water and yellow staining
on fabrics and fixtures.)
and Hard Water (calcium and magnesium scale). For complete pricing
and information please click on the Model Type you are interest
- Tannin
Eater-10: Designed for
a household of 1 to 8 persons
- Continuous
Twin Alternating Tannin Eater
- Designed for higher water usage applications
Special Custom Multipurpose
Well Water Filters
Our well water filter series
are designed to treat multiple well water problems ranging from
Nitrates, Iron, Manganese, Hydrogen Sulfide Gas, Hardness, Tannins
and Sulfates. For complete pricing and information please click
on our clean well water catalog:
Commercial / Industrial
Liquid Filter Vessels
Choose from a wide selection
of whole house water filters to create an ideal home water filtration
system. Activated carbon, iron reduction, and whole house drinking
water produts.
If your water has high sodium
and TDS total dissolved solids a reverse osmosis will be needed.
All CRO-3000 Through CRO-15000 commercial reverse osmosis include
a programmable
logic controller (PLC), electronic sensors can monitor all vital
functions of the system including flow, pressure, tank levels,
water quality, filter condition, membrane condition, and electrical
supply. The control system automatically responds to changes
in these variables, initiating the proper response to virtually
any operating condition. A user friendly easy to read (English
Only) centrally-located operator interface is provided to simplify
system control. The PLC displays all operating conditions and
tells you what the unit is doing at any time. Details @ Commercial
Reverse Osmosis
Water softeners, filters, and
uv disinfection for Restaurant, Bars, Cafe, or Retail Business
please see our packaged
water systems.
- Series UVB Vessels
The United V-Band Series industrial
vessel is available in single and multiple element design. This
is a non-code light weight carbon steel vessel which makes this
series ideal for many industrial and commercial applications
Applications: Industrial and
Residential, Restaurants, Commercial Building, Pharmaceutical,
Electronic and Most Corrosive Applications
- Max Operating Temperature: up
to 200 F depending upon the unit
- Max Operating Pressure: 125
PSI and 300 PSI available depending upon unit
- Flow Rates: From 0.5 GPM to
600 GPM depending on unit and application
- Material of Construction: 304
Stainless Steel, and 316 Stainless Steel
- Element Type Used: Contiuous
Wound, Carbon Block, Carbon Granular, Carbon Cellulose, or Carbon

- Series UFA Vessels
The Series UFA Ultra Flow filters
are designed to deliver the highest efficiency in romoving solid
particulate contaminants from a wide variety of liquids. The
Series UFA filters are for use in non-code applications.
Applications: Petrochemical,
Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, Oil and Gas Production, Chemical
Waste Treatment, Chemical Industry, Photography, Municipal Water
Treatment, and Many more.
- Max Operating Pressure: 150
- Operating Temperature: 450 F
- Flow Rates: Up to 90 GPM
- Materials of Construction: Carbon
Steel, 304 Stainless Steel, 316 Stainless Steel
- Element Type Used: Continuous
Wound Filter Elements
- Series 57 Vessels
The Series 57 Vessel
product line continues the tradition of quality while focusing
on general filtration applications with ASME Code design and
other engineered features to produce a highly efficient filtration
system for the removal of solid particles from liquids.
Applications: Petrochemical, Chemical Processing, Municipal Water
Treatment, Food and Beverage, Oil and Gas Production, Plating
Industry, Electrical Power Generating Stations, Chemical Waste
Treatment, Pharmaceuticals and Many Others
- Max Operating Pressure 150 PSI
available design pressure
- Max Operating Temperature: 450
- Flow Rates: Up to 90 GPM
- Material of Construction: Carbon
Steel, 304 Stainless Steel, 316 Stainless Steel
- Element Type Used: Continuous
Wound Filter Elements
United's Series UPH plastic housings product line comes in a
wide array of lengths and NPT connections and are manufactured
from rugged corrosion resistant plastic for long and trouble-free
life. The UPH 100 and 200 Series is our two-piece Traditional
Line. the UPH 300 and 400 Series is our three-piece valve-in-head
bypass filter HeadMaster Line. The UPH 500 and 600 Series is
our three-piece slip-collar line, and the UPH 900 Series is our
Jumbo Blue Max Line for increased flow rates.
RainDance Water
Systems can assist you in
all of your water treatment needs. There's no need to go anywhere
else. With over 80 years of combined experience in the water
treatment business our support team can quickly & accurately
answer all of your water filtration questions. Our resources
include engineers and water treatment professionals which utilize
virtually all known water treatment processes assuring our customers
of the most economical, dependable, and environmentally friendly
solutions. Our water treatment systems range from domestic residential
households, light commercial, large commercial / industrial operations
to membrane cleaners, scale inhibitors, and water treatment chemicals.
- We offer a full spectrum of
water treatment systems including reverse osmosis, emergency
gas powered reverse osmosis systems, skid mount water treatment
equipment, bottled water filtration, sea water desalination systems,
ultraviolet disinfection, membrane cleaning chemicals and scale
- Custom water treatment designing
- We have the expertise to offer custom designs on any reverse
osmosis and water treatment system to fit your application needs.
Wall mounted, skid mounted, horizontal, vertical, diamond plate,
stainless steel, portable, high pressure, low pressure. In most
cases systems are pre-wired and pre-plumbed for easy installation.
- Home owners, Raindance Water
Systems offers residential whole house water treatment for well
and municipal water sources. Choose from our salt free water
softeners, iron filters, uv systems, reverse osmosis, high efficiency
water softeners, lead, heavy metal removal, chlorine and chemical
- Our customers include numerous
commercial applications, residential households, business facilities
and farms throughout the United States, Spain, Canada, Japan,
U.K., Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Malaysia.
- A small sample of our customer
base includes: The United States Coast Guard, Washington St.
National Park Service, San Diego State University, Palomar College,
Quinlan Texas Elementary School, Hunter Industries, Sonance Corp.,
Owens Brigam Medical, 1st Choice GMAC Realty, Century 21 Realty,
Coldwell Banker Realty, Austin Productions, Fairfield Country
Club, and Auer Precision Inc. just to name a few.
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Reverse Osmosis |
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Reverse Osmosis | EDI - Electrodeionization
|Pharmaceutical Water Filters | Reverse
Osmosis Quote | Iron and Manganese Removal | Chlorine
and Chemical Removal
| Multi-Media Filters |Water
Treatment Chemicals | Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Cleaners |
Reverse Osmosis
Antiscalants | Reverse Osmosis Membranes | Commercial
Water Filters | Commercial Filter Housings |Water
Treatment Chemical Quote |
Reverse Osmosis
Membrane Quote ||
Water Filter
Quote | Filter Housing Quote |