You can choose to buy a nitrate water filtration
system "off the rack" and take your chances or you
can let us recommend a system based upon your
specific needs. If you already have a water report
please email ATTN:
Nitrate Recommendation. Once we have reviewed your
water report we will contact you with the best water
treatment solution.
Find our complete
selection of Nitrate Eater systems below for
House, Livestock, and
Commercial applications.
Prefer to talk to a live person? Use our online
Live Chat or call 1-877-788-8387
Nitrate Eater-125-12
Filters 150ppm Nitrate/Nitrite
Softens 40gpg (684ppm)
Hard Water Flow Rate: 10gpm
Pipe Size: 3/4" or 1"
1-8 Person Household / 1-3 Bathrooms / Small
Farms / Light Commercial

Nitrate Only Nitrate Eater-125-12N
Filters 200ppm Nitrate/Nitrite
*Installed after your softener.
Flow Rate: 10gpm
Pipe Size: 3/4" or 1"
1-8 Person Household / 1-3 Bathrooms / Small
Farms / Light Commercial

*Exclusive RainDance H2O Store Product! |